Enjoy & support nature
Seensimple.tv offers you tranquillity and relaxation via pure nature videos and nature sounds.
Perhaps the sun’s rays are particularly warm, the plants are a radiant green and – in the gentle wind – lively bird calls mingle with the soft rustling of leaves. At that moment, everything seems very light and peaceful. Or the skies are stormy, with rain and wind whipping relentlessly and the sea foaming. Everything is as it should be. Time to stand and stare.
Support Sustainability
Since seensimple.tv has been built around it.
We are donating 5% of our net revenue from seensimple.tv to EuroNatur, which is a charitable foundation under German civil law that is deeply involved in nature conservation all over Europe. EuroNatur Foundation is recommended by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI).
Subscribe or Pay what you want
In any case we will donate 5% of our net revenue for environmental protection.
What videos can I find on seensimple.tv?
We produce and deliver nature videos. Just nature as it is. Without commentary but with some music.
How many nature videos can I expect to be released on seensimple.tv every month?
On average, we aim to release around 3 videos per month. The videos can be long or short.
Of course we do our best to provide you with videos on a regular basis. However, we are sometimes dependent on others, e.g. when it comes to making appointments with rangers and other personnel that are working for protected areas.
What is shown in previews?
Previews give you an impression and usually show you the first minutes of some of our nature videos, which you can find on seensimple.tv.
Are only videos of national parks and protected areas in Europe shown?
Nature is always looking for its way and habitat everywhere. That’s why there are also videos on seensimple.tv that have been shot in a big city, an urban forest or a park.
How do you calculate your net revenue, from wich you donate 5%?
To calculate our net revenue, we subtract any sales discounts, allowances, returns, and commissions from the seensimple.tv gross revenue.
The beneficiary, the EuroNatur foundation, receives our monthly sales reports on request. These reports are produced by our video software solution partner Vimeo Inc., New York.
Can I help to make seensimple.tv more popular?
Of course. If you as a private person or company would let your friends know about seensimple.tv, that would be tremendous. Thank you for spreading the word!
Does seensimple.tv support 4K/HDR?
Yes, seensimple.tv supports 4K/HDR videos on desktop and mobile browsers.
By default, all nature videos play back using a technology called adaptive streaming. This process breaks each video up into smaller chunks. Our player then delivers these segments sequentially in real-time.
Together with our technology partners we generate multiple playback versions, and the player will intelligently choose the highest quality possible based on network connection, graphics processing ability, and player size. As long as the viewing environment supports it, seensimple.tv videos can be viewed in resolutions up to 4K.
That said, we always encode at an above-average quality level, as we value quality nature videos over anything else. Each playback resolution has its own cap in order to preserve smooth playback over the internet, and these caps correspond with our bandwidth requirements for each viewing quality. For instance, we cap 1080p video bitrates at 5 Mbps, which is significantly higher than most other online video services.
To what quality level do you encode audio?
For audio, we encode to two stereo channels. We will always encode audio up to 256 Kb/s, but if the internet connection does not need to use all the available bitrate, the player will provide as much as needed, given your setup.
What is the origin of seensimple.tv and what motivated you to create it?
Seensimple.tv is the social entrepreneurship activity of Flunx Media in Germany. We started seensimple.tv in winter 2022/23.
With seensimple.tv, every subscriber from around the world can enjoy the beauty of nature and at the same time financially support the protection of our natural heritage. We think that’s wonderful and really worthwhile.
Video and audio production belongs to our core activities as a company. At the same time, we of course love nature ourselves and we know how endangered it is. We also know how people long for nature and how beneficial it is for many to enjoy it in one way or another. Many city dwellers crave to enjoy nature again at their next opportunity, but often those chances don’t come along often enough.
We’re very motivated by the fact that these aspects are united by seensimple.tv.
How is seensimple.tv financed?
Every subscriber contributes to seensimple.tv, and we hope this project will grow and stand on its own feet one day. Until then, seensimple.tv is financed through other Flunx Media consulting and production activities.
Where can I leave my comments on the videos?
You may leave your comments under many videos. We believe that many users are very happy to read comments from others. So join in!
Is there going to be a seensimple.tv app? What about tvOS, Android TV, Fire TV, or Roku?
If we discover that many users would like to watch seensimple.tv on their tablets, smartphones and smart TVs, the seensimple.tv app will of course be available for Android and iOS, and for tvOS, Android TV, Fire TV, Roku, Universal Windows Platform (Xbox), and Tizen TV.
Are you traveling CO2 neutral?
Yes. Our CO2 emissions are offset with certified climate protection projects. When we travel by car we ensure CO2 compensation by working together with CARSYNC GmbH/Klimahelden GmbH in Germany.
Can you imagine integrating more partners?
We can imagine integrating further partners if someone is a really good fit with our ideas for the future, our present partners, to us, the seensimple.tv production team, and the Flunx Media GmbH. See our ideas for brands/corporations and other organisations. We may put them into practice.
I have another question. How can I get in touch with you?
For further questions please send an email to hello”at”seensimple.tv.